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New Book: Change Your Mindset - SMART People Don't Diet by Blenda Chan

Updated: Dec 18, 2022

Change your mindset - Smart people don’t diet. The common misconception most people believe is if they go on a crazy diet it will help to lose weight.

The REALITY is...

When you go on a diet, it is never sustainable. Thus, when you stop dieting you are more likely to gain weight again. The main key point is to change your mindset that diets don’t work.

Holistic nutrition focuses on finding a diet that is sustainable for the long run. It incorporates healthy eating habits instead. Where balance and wholeness are key factors. By slowly incorporating small changes into your daily life that becomes a habit.

Growing a health-conscious mindset makes it easier for you to go through this path. By understanding that good health comes from being patient with yourself. Hence, developing the habit of eating mindfully, taking supplements, and regular physical activity. All result in giving yourself the chance to have intentional living and wellness. Taking care of your own body, physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually should never be considered a mere task. Your choices in life and how to manifest them affect your whole being.

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The entire contents of this article are based upon the opinions of Blenda Chan. Please note that Blenda Chan is not a dietitian, physician, pharmacist or other licensed healthcare professional. The information in this article is NOT intended as medical advice, nor is it intended to replace the care of a qualified health care professional. This content is not intended to diagnose or treat any diseases. Always consult with your primary care physician or licensed healthcare provider for all diagnosis and treatment of any diseases or conditions, for medications or medical advice as well as before changing your health care regimen.

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